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Search results for "cycling"

Including the closely related terms bicycles, and cycling support.

1 result

Portsmouth City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…. } 36 electric vehicle charging points (On-Street Residential Chargepoint scheme). } Cycling support (“Be Bright, Be Seen” campaign, guided rides, marked quieter cycle routes, on-street bike hangers). } Pompey Monster Walk to School challenge. } Working with the Joint Air Quality Unit, Department for Transport and Defra to deliver and administer the Clean Air Zone in the city…

bicycles to travel to our other sites. } Hydrogen gas harnessed from solar panels to power a Port work boat (Clean Maritime Demonstration). } Installation of batteries to help charge the EV fleet. } Cycle to Work scheme, travel and biking discounts, secure bike and shower facilities at the Civic Centre. COUNCIL Decarbonisation of our buildings and assets } Improved insulation and windows…

… needs to demonstrate fairness in addressing health inequalities relating to travel, since lower income households are often exposed to greater transport-related emissions. Mitigation Adaptation Reduce carbon emissions through: } Enabling walking and cycling (active transport) infrastructure. } Enabling shared transport modes (eg car clubs, bike and scooter hire). } Enabling affordable…

… annually, and any necessary updates made. The council and city-wide carbon action plans will be published annually and detail the results and revised action plans. Sectoral action plans will also be developed where necessary. The Climate Action Board partners have also supported community projects: } Cargo bike hire scheme at Southsea Cycles. } Wilder Eastney, an acre of community-led urban…

… .................................................................................................................. 12 Figure 4 Guiding principles for climate action planning (taken from UN Habitat) .................................................15 Figure 5 Carbon management cycle ........................................................................................................................... 25 Figure 6 Carbon mitigation hierarchy…


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