… to 160,820.78 kWh in 2019/20, resulting in financial savings in excess of £20k per annum. Other measures have also helped to reduce the Council’s carbon emissions. For example, the introduction of electric and ‘hybrid’ vehicles into the Council’s fleet (8 vehicles in operation in 2021); the promotion of initiatives such as a Cycle to Work scheme; and the use of new low-heat products for repairing…
… their overall demand for energy • Supporting and encouraging Council staff to reduce business mileage • Providing improved walking and cycling infrastructure to encourage active and sustainable travel 1b. Accelerate the shift towards use of sustainable energy This should include: • Working towards full or partial decarbonisation of the Council’s fleet • Continuing to develop the Council’s capacity…
… Environmental Sustainability & Carbon Reduction Strategy 2022-32 | Page 15 Aim 3: Use all resources efficiently and minimise waste Globally and nationally our consumption of natural resources has huge implications for the environment and is a major contributor to climate change. At each stage in the life-cycle of a material resource there are a range of possible environmental impacts…
… the environmental impact of highway infrastructure and operations, taking into account the potential impacts of climate change Support the development of Borough-wide network of electric vehicle charging points Further develop the Borough’s walking and cycling network, reducing dependence on private transport Work in partnership with TVCA and bus operators to support delivery of a high…