… successfully in the past, for example with our “Go Cycle” project. We aim to ensure that Kingston is “funding ready” and able to take advantage of grants and low-cost loan funding to enable us to take the action required to become carbon neutral. We will also review our own processes, such as collection and distribution of the Carbon Offset Fund to ensure that local carbon reduction activities are delivered…
…. Corporate Head of Service - Highways and Transport Started 2025 2.4 Complete Kingston’s Go Cycle programme to deliver traffic-free cycle routes and a range of complementary measures to get people cycling, reduce congestion and emissions and increase levels of physical activity. Corporate Head of Service - Highways and Transport Started 2025 Page 19 | 44 2.5 Carry out a study to assess…
… Reduce emissions and pollution from vehicles 2.12 Discourage idling through the use of suitable penalties and engagement Corporate Head of Service -Highways and Transport Started 2030 2.13 Reduce parking in accessible destinations and restrict parking on congested high streets and busy roads to improve bus journey times, cycling experience, and reduce emissions caused by congested traffic…
…. Corporate Head of Service - Highways and Transport 2022 2030 2.14 Set up 4 regular Very Important Pedestrian Days (e.g. no vehicles on certain roadson a Sunday) by 2024. Corporate Head of Service - Highways and Transport 2023 2024 Sustainable travel 2.15 Implement a public e-bike hire scheme in the borough. Corporate Head of Service - Highways and Transport Trial to begin Summe r 2022 Review 2023…
… 2.16 Provide cycle training for children, families and businesses to a minimum ofpre-pandemic levels (2000 children and 325 adults per annum) Corporate Head of Service - Highways and Transport Started 2025 Page 20 | 44 Partnerships and community 2.17 Work with neighbouring boroughs to ensure that sustainable travel networks link up across the region. Lobby for an increase in services and work…