… of 29 and Renewal Plan 2.4 Increase uptake of cycling in West Devon ((Draft R&R Plan ref 2.12) & Take a lead in encouraging people to maintain the positives from lockdown – less travel, more exercise etc. (Draft R&R Plan ref 2.10) a. Investigate electric bike hire in towns & and key tourist areas in summer to start to change culture. b. Increase cycle…
… and systems needed to introduce (with a view to trialling) the system in selected car parks and/or streets. Investigate through 2021 Report outcomes and update at the end of 2021 2.2 Ensure new housing developments are much more walking and cycling friendly. a. Major development sites to consider the inclusion off- road cycle routes to link between other cycle routes where…
… connections exist https://www.traveldevon.info/c ycle/cycle-routes/cycle-maps/ Ongoing Collate outcomes by monitoring permissions yearly 2.3 Better bus provision and strategic park and ride facilities to reduce traffic in towns. a. Investigate the potential for park and ride facilities in the main towns. Subject to Recovery and Renewal Plan, revisit timescales at adoption…
… To be completed pending the completion of the Recovery 22 https://academicimpact.un.org/content/sustainability https://www.traveldevon.info/cycle/cycle-routes/cycle-maps/ https://www.traveldevon.info/cycle/cycle-routes/cycle-maps/ https://academicimpact.un.org/content/sustainability Page 17…
… a glimpse of what a world would look like with less traffic and more people taking up cycling and spending time walking in their local areas for exercise. Clearly, this didn’t come without its challenges and we will emerge into a very different economic landscape that will have direct impacts on the community that we serve. However, we must now take some of these lessons to drive a more…