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Search results for "cycling"

Including the closely related term cycling strategy.

1 result

London Borough of Brent

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… of the council’s Long Term Transport Strategy will take place in 2021 and provide the strategic vision for this, in alignment with the aims of this strategy. We will also continue to liaise with local groups such as the Brent Cycling Campaign on what can be delivered to ensure an increase in cycling across the borough. Read More Supporting documents: Long Term Transport Strategy Draft Transport Recovery…

… Plan Cycling Strategy Walking Strategy Air Quality Action Plan https…

… to continue to look for opportunities at a local and sub-regional level for longer term public transport initiatives to benefit Brent’s population. This is a climate emergency! What can I do to help? A few examples… • Nominate streets in need of walking and cycling improvements • Walk more • Cycle more – consider joining a cycle club or try before you bike scheme! • Look into joining a car club…

… behaviours. We will also lead by example through our own operations. Waste Hierarchy Reduce Lowering the amount of waste produced in the first place Re-use Using materials repeatedly Recycle Using materials to make new products Recovery Recovering energy from waste Land fill This image is known as the ‘Waste Hierarchy’. It considers the most environmentally favourable cycle of a product…

…, being driven as close as possible to zero, with an accompanying increase in journeys made by residents through cycling, walking or public transport. The Issue: Road transport is the third biggest contributor to territorial carbon emissions in Brent, representing 22% of the total. Moving away from private car usage and towards public transport, electric vehicles, walking and cycling will have…


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