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Carlisle City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… and other community facilities by sustainable modes, including walking and cycling. Green Infrastructure Objectives • To protect, enhance and increase the provision of the green and blue infrastructure across the District to create and maintain multifunctional, interconnected and attractive recreational and ecological networks for the benefit of residents, businesses, visitors and the wider…

… and conducting a robust ‘fleet challenge’ to determine genuine business need to support all fleet decisions is a key part of this strategy. Recent projects that are making a positive impact include: • Review of depots and efficient use of operational assets. • Replacement of waste and recycling fleet with modern efficient vehicles. • Continued investment in cycling and walking infrastructure…

… management and recycling initiatives at operational sites. The Council is delivering projects to help reduce Carlisle district’s greenhouse gas emissions: • Community Electric Vehicle Charging Points. • Improvements to the cycling and walking infrastructure, increasing the network for active transport. The Council is also working in partnership to adapt to Climate Change, over the next three…

… will be linked to the carbon footprint and baselining work, using scopes and options. The timescale for the delivery of any actions is linked to capacity and resources. A simple approach to the timescale using the terms short, medium or longterm is taken. These timescales are best described in terms of financial planning: Short: Within the current budget year or budget cycle for the following year…


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