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Search results for "cycling"

Including the closely related term local cycling.

1 result

Waverley Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… Quality Action Plan Contaminated Land Strategy Pesticides Policy Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan Waverley Borough Council Cycle Plan Supplementary Planning Document Single Use Plastic Policy Implementation The implementation of the strategy and action plan will begin in 2020. The strategy and the actions to deliver the strategy will be reviewed annually to monitor…

… by the roll out its own EV chargers and any alternative energy sources that subsequently become available across the borough in our car parks, 15 developments and leisure centres and lobbying large businesses to install workplace chargers;  requiring the provision of EV chargers for new developments through the planning process;  supporting the development of a Local Cycling

… and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for the borough, following DfT guidelines;  updating the Cycle Plan Supplementary Planning Document (2006);  ensuring that planning powers are used as far as is possible to promote sustainability. Buildings and Energy Efficiency The council will carry out energy audits to identify opportunities for energy conservation, efficiencies and cost savings…

… by 2030, encouraging carbon reduction and the promotion of biodiversity and sustainable homes, businesses and transport across the borough. We will achieve this by:  implementing Waverley’s Carbon Neutrality Action Plan 2020-2030  promoting reduction and re-use as well as recycling so as to achieve our targets on household waste and recycling  promoting a pedestrian-friendly and cycle

… ways of travelling to work based on a Transport Impact Hierarchy;  working with towns and parishes and our neighbouring councils to increase the number of cycle paths in key areas across the borough and providing good quality cycle parking close to key destinations;  reducing business travel by adopting a range of infrastructure and behavioural changes;  asking contractors…


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