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Search results for "cycling"

Including the closely related terms bikes, and cycling strategy.

1 result

Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… to be built by 2050 and electrification would need 90,000 depot-based chargers for overnight charging (CCC, 2019). 22 BCP Council will:  Consider enhancing ‘Cycle to work’ scheme discounts to facilitate increased cycling to work, and ‘get back on your bike’ training for less confident cyclists  Seek to install more high-quality showers, lockers, changing facilities, secure cycle

… providing Park and Ride sites and favourable pricing schedule, with secure cycle parking and traffic free cycle route from sites  Seek to carry out Climate Change Assessments on transport projects  Investigate replacement of Council vehicles with zero emission EVs or hydrogen vehicles, or alternatives where practicable, such as cargo-bikes 23  Investigate viability of fleet…

… of cargo-bikes, electric cycles and motorcycles for staff use  Promote bridges and underpasses to include proper wildlife crossing opportunities  Investigate investment in ‘safe routes to school’ including crossings, wider pavements and safe cycle routes  Consider rolling out ‘School Streets’, where streets around schools become pedestrian and cycle access only at school run times…

…  Consider the trial of temporary measures such as car free days and segregated cycle lanes created by movable barriers  Investigate adoption of Streetscape Guidance setting high standards for the design of streets and spaces prioritising walking, cycling and public transport BCP Council will work with Partners to:  Develop a BCP Walking and Cycling Strategy 2020 -2035 and expand cycle

… are intended to deliver a carbon neutral Council and wider area. Summary of public health implications 16. Climate change will result in heatwaves, extreme weather events, floods, disease and increased cancer risk. The measures to reduce it will limit the dangers and those activities can also have direct positive health effects (e.g. increased fitness from cycling and better air quality from…


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