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South Lanarkshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… choices for employees. Initiatives included the ‘Cycle to Work’ scheme, ‘Dr Bike’ maintenance sessions, ‘Essential Cycling Skills’ training and equipment like cycle shelters, lockers and dryers. All initiatives have been well supported and received by staff. The council’s personnel service introduced agile working for employees which contributes to reducing the council’s carbon footprint…

… weather for an extended period of time at a certain location. Climate change is a change in global or regional climate patterns. The earth’s climate has always gone through natural cycles. However, widely accepted scientific evidence shows that there is a build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere produced by human activities which is increasingly warming the planet causing changes…

… Adaptation Programme (SCCAP) The Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme sets out Scottish Ministers objectives, policies and proposals to tackle the climate change impacts identified for Scotland in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment, as required by section 53 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009. Published in 2014, and due on 5 yearly cycles, the next SCCAP is due in 2019. However…

…. Employee essential cycling skills For more information visit it makes me feel good Cycling is economical, healthy and green Get out andgive it a go I cycle because...South Lanarkshire Council Carbon M anageme nt Plan 2016 Produced for Community and Enterprise Resources by Corporate Communications and Public Affairs. 016447/Dec14 Sustainable Procurement…

… sources include traffic management, the encouragement of uptake of cleaner vehicles, and increased use of public transport along with more sustainable transport methods such as walking and cycling. Healthy biodiversity supports sustainable development and benefits not only by providing us with clean air, water, food, energy, medicine, and building materials but also provides jobs and places…


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