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1 result

Warwick District Council

Direct link to citizens' assembly (PDF)

… of cycle paths that are safe and well lit b) Cycle, pedestrian, and motor vehicle routes/roads/paths to be properly physically separated (e.g., grass verge, flexible bollards/barrier) c) Secure bike storage in places where people live (e.g., flats) and in places where people visit (e.g., town centre) d) End to end journey consideration - unbroken cycle routes, security, storage, hire e…

…) A clear good quality cycle route plan for Warwickshire, well promoted - link with upcoming ‘signposting’ project f) Free cycle training/tuition (safe riding and maintenance) g) Promoting the health benefits of cycling h) A safest cycle routes app - (city mapper) linking cycle, bus etc. 1st 14 39 HOUSING 2. Every new house must be carbon neutral both in construction…

… point. The total votes are listed below plus a ranking based on these numbers. All recommendations are arranged in themes. Recommendations Overall Rank Score (no. times in people’s top 5) Score (degree of support i.e., strongly support = 2, support = 1) TRANSPORT 1. Promote and encourage more people to take up cycling through: a) Better quality and increased number…

… Warwick district Climate Change People’s Inquiry 2020/21 22 include Primary schools, Secondary schools, adults of different generations. The messaging should encourage people to take action on recycling, active travel, (e.g., Walking Wednesday, Cycling Sunday, walking weekends, waste management, tree planting, planning ahead to do…


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