Including the closely related term bikes.
… vegetation enabling greater individual and group use. 100% 0% In the visioning exercise conducted the day previously assembly members were keen to have clean green streets that encourage walking and cycling and lower car use. A point that may need emphasising was that people wanted to use cycle lanes, but they are not swept or kept clean resulting in punctures and damage to bikes. In terms…
… of walkways, again people were happy to walk but felt unsafe due to poor lighting and overgrown vegetation. Both sections look unkempt and unattractive. Safety is often the reason quoted for not walking and cycling at present, and so this recommendation goes some way to encourage residents to feel safer when using the walkways and cycle routes in the borough. There was a lot of debate about…
… to provide e-charging points in accessible areas across the borough. 4. Improve existing cycle lanes and walkways make them safer for use e.g. road surface, lighting and cut back vegetation enabling greater individual and group use. Support 91% Support 88.3% Support 88% Support 100% Support 94% Theme 4 Food and Recycling General Message: Newham will reduce food waste and food miles and aspire…
… with highest levels of air pollution for transport interventions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions while improving peoples’ health e.g. electric bus routes, increased provision of cycle paths, more EV charging stations, changing the Council’s own car f leet to electric vehicles. Recommendation 1 Introduce a free park and ride scheme for schools (using electric buses) along with car sharing…
… is reflected in the high percentage of people voting for it. The debate focused around the desire to move away from a focus on electric vehicles and to consider a broader range of lifestyle changes that reduce travelling by vehicle such as walking and cycling. Accepting that these behaviours are challenging to change, the group felt that the Council should lead by example and offer a free park and ride…