Including the closely related term cycling strategy.
… environments which attract and nurture local been populations. Our flagship buildings have solar arrays and LED lighting and Three Rivers House uses a ground-source heat pump for heating and comfort cooling. We have installed a cycle hub at Leavesden Country Park which offers a range of facilities including bike sharing sand repairs, bike hire and cycling tuition; new high-density…
… bike parks at local train stations; and cycle parking at every local retail centre. Our Key AchievementsOur Key Achievements 9 Our Progress to Date The Council has been working towards the aims and objectives of the Green Expectations Strategy 2015 - 2019, working to address economic development, partnerships, inclusion, education and promotion and health. There has been significant…
… plant. • We process garden waste products in to compost and have an annual compost giveaway for residents. • The local walking and cycling strategy has helped develop and create safe, efficient and accessible transport networks in the District to encourage sustainable transport. • The Better Buses Programme provides essential local bus services which up to 2020 had replaced nearly…
…, through our updated Walking & Cycling Network, by building new paths and upgrading existing paths, promoting routes to key local destinations, installing strategic infrastructure (including comprehensive cycle parking and other support facilities like Cycle Hubs), and creating promotional events with external partners. • Continue to develop, promote and improve passenger transport…
… of the climate system and tipping points. There is already mounting evidence of a changing climate in the UK with life-cycle events occurring prematurely (e.g. when flowers bloom or pollinators emerge), rising sea- levels encroaching on coastlines, floods devastating local communities, and unprecedented heat waves harming people’s health and well-being. Climate projections suggest such events…