…; travel choice programme including active travel; well- being at work scheme / work place health; Business e-bike scheme; healthy futures fund – cycling on prescription; Community cycling groups; Ridewise training) Community Development (Working with NCC and public health) M Low impact on council emissions but provide potential district savings Staff Time eg require office…
… / Hedgerows) plus provision of allotments; green walls and roofs; Flooding avoidance measures in new developments (including SUD’s and Natural flood management (NFM)]; Travel Plans and associated works (encouraging modal shift and active travel, provision of EV charging points (inc. ebikes), car club parking bays, cycle routes and connectivity investment) Planning Policy M Low impact on council…
… and housing B2. Fleet and Transport 2.1. Develop a staff travel promotion / incentive scheme for alternative travel (ULEV car lease scheme, car passenger allowance, cycle allowance, cycle purchase scheme, staff business travel card, Staff travel schemes etc). Financial services S Low TBC Accelerating the shift to low carbon transport 2.2. Consider a staff alternative travel…
… reward competition Human Resources S Low TBC Accelerating the shift to low carbon transport 16 | P a g e OFFICIAL Ref. Action Lead Specialist Timescale Potential CO2e Saving Financial Cost (in addition to officer time) Co- benefits Link to D2N2 Energy Strategy 2.3. Widen access to the Staff Cycle purchase scheme Financial Services S Low TBC…
… developments to have secure cycle parking; education/training programmes; to e segregated cycle lanes. (Ashden / FoE) Accelerating the shift to low carbon transport 17 | P a g e OFFICIAL Ref. Action Lead Specialist Timescale Potential CO2e Saving Financial Cost (in addition to officer time) Co- benefits Link to D2N2 Energy Strategy B3. Contracts…