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Folkestone and Hythe District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… with staff to review the Civic Centre’s recycling (this includes tenants in the Civic Centre building as well as the Council) and staff transport – e.g. there is a cycling to work scheme. Staff have also taken part in Kent County Council’s activmob survey which encourages non-car travel to work.  Securing improvements to cycling and walking infrastructure in Folkestone and Hythe through the Local

Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.  Planting wildflower meadows and managing land to promote biodiversity e.g. churchyards.  Reducing strimmer and pesticide application around trees and obstacles where suitable.  Following Full Council’s resolution to move to being pesticide-free, officers have met with members prior to trialling alternatives to pesticides.  Rural grass verges…

…. 19. Examine the business case for Vehicle-to-Grid EV charging to reduce energy bills. 20. Explore the use of EV staff pool car(s) to reduce grey business mileage costs. 21. Assess the scope for extending sustainable travel incentives for staff including a car share scheme. Encourage staff to walk or cycle to work and understanding potential barriers to them doing so. 22. Expand…


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