…% by bicycle by end of 2021. - Report no. of Pedestrian and cycle provisions. - Report no. of registered members of Cycle Hub. - Report no. of registered members of Car club on site. https://barkingriv erside.london/liv e-at-barking- riverside/commu nity/ Public Health and Awareness Raising 23 Prepare and deliver Council- wide (LBBD) and BeFirst Travel Plans encouraging…
… pollution in London. We need to incentivise a change to walking, cycling and ultra-low emission vehicles (such as electric) as far as possible. You will see in this report that we have worked hard to engage with stakeholders and communities which can make a difference to air quality in the borough. We would like to thank all those who have worked with us in the past and we look forward…
… and Awareness Raising 22 Continued implementation of the Barking Riverside Travel Plan, to accelerate uptake of cycling walking and sustainable transport. BeFirst Medium Promotes sustainable approach to active travel therefore reducing vehicle emissions and increasing physical activity 2020 - Initial target of 36% of residents travelling to work by car, 5% on foot and 7…