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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 5 closely related terms such as council, build, and council infrastructure.

1 result

London Borough of Croydon

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… the principles of sustainable development, improving the wellbeing of local residents in the borough. The Adaptation Action Plan builds on the Croydon Environment and Climate Change Strategy. The implementation of this Action Plan will be overseen by the Adaptation Strategy Group within the ECCP. If you have any questions about this strategy or the work of the ECCP please contact Croydon Council’s

…. Public transport links were affected by the heat as temperatures on all modes were unbearable. Sports events were cancelled; and dress codes were relaxed • there has been an increase in damage to council infrastructure caused by weather events (e.g. trees, roads, pathways) and an increasing propensity for insurance claims against the Council. The cold weather experienced during the winter of 2009…

… to local service provisions and businesses. This Adaptation Action Plan aims to build adaptive capacity within the borough, putting in place the support systems, legislative and policy frameworks which will allow the borough to safeguard and increase the resilience of public services as well as encouraging local businesses to deliver adaptation action. All actions will be carried out within…

… Mitigation Action Plan 4 ii Executive Summary The aim for the ECCP over the forthcoming year is to achieve Level 2 under the NI188 guidelines, the actions for which are defned in this document. A key aspect of this will be the development of a comprehensive assessment of climate threats and opportunities across the council and partners’ operations for specifc periods in the future, identifying…

… is the Council’s Local Development Framework. The Core Strategy is the key document in the LDF that will set out the spatial vision for Croydon for the next 20 years or so and how it can be achieved. A further Regulation 25 consultation draft has been published that included the vision theme of Croydon as ‘A Place with a Sustainable Future’ and thematic strategies relating to ‘Climate Change, Energy, CO2…


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