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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 5 closely related terms such as city council, council, and council.

1 result

Kingston-upon-Hull City Council

Direct link to meeting minutes (PDF)

… Town Clerk Services, Hull City Council, The Guildhall, Alfred Gelder Street, Hull, HU1 2AA Tel: 01482 300300 Dear Councillor, Economy and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Commission The next meeting of the Economy and Environment Overview and Scrutiny…

… (substituting for Councillor Burton), C Randall, Wareing, Wilkinson and Woods In attendance: Councillor Ieronimo, Portfolio Holder for Transportation, Roads, Highways and Flood Prevention, Hull City Council A. Codd, Assistant Director, Economic Development and Regeneration, Hull City Council G. Taylor, Assistant Director, Major Projects, Culture and Place, Hull City Council A. Burton…

…, Assistant Director, Streetscene, Hull City Council K. Ryan, Strategic Transport Manager, Hull City Council B. Gilligan, Area Director, East Yorkshire Motor Services M. Cranwell, Managing Director, Stagecoach East Midlands A. Spouse, Scrutiny Officer, Committee and Scrutiny, Town Clerk’s Service, Hull City Council Apologies: Councillors Burton (DC), Gardiner and Harper-Riches…

…, Assistant Director, Streetscene, Hull City Council, K. Ryan, Strategic Transport Manager, Hull City Council, B. Gilligan, Area Director, East Yorkshire Motor Services, and M. Cranwell, Managing Director, Stagecoach East Midlands, attended for the item. The Strategic Transport Manager introduced the paper and explained that while the Bus Strategy Improvement Plan (BSIP) funding bid had been…

… Manager advised the Commission that the Bus Alliance would add weight to future funding applications. Hull City Council held regular meetings with colleagues in East Riding with a view to improving bus connectivity. Ticketing was a slightly different issue, but they continued to explore opportunities. iii. The number of complaints Councillors were receiving from members of the public regarding…


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