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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 8 closely related terms such as councils, building, and council.

1 result

Kirklees Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… ‘Phase 1’ of our climate response – which has involved implementing measures to reduce both the Councils own operational emissions and the emissions from Kirklees as a whole. This Action Plan begins our ‘Phase 2’ response, outlining an integrated and collaborative approach to climate change, building on phase 1 work to reach our ambitious target. This is a plan for climate change mitigation…

… and adaptation, which covers a wide range of sectors across the district, linking with and addressing other existing Council plans and strategies such as the ‘Clean and Green’ shared outcome within Our Council Plan, our ‘Resources and Waste Strategy’ and our ‘Air Quality Action Plan’. Although it is a global issue, we have and will continue to experience the impacts of Climate Change locally in Kirklees…

… outcome within ‘Our Council Plan 2021/23’1. “It is time for Kirklees to step up and show it believes in improving our environment and dealing with the climate emergency” (Political voice) VISION AND PRINCIPLES The overarching aim of this action plan is to set out the initial pathway to achieve Kirklees’ Climate Vision of: A Net Zero and Climate Ready Kirklees by 2038 To support…

… are well represented. Fair Achieve a just and equal transition to our Net Zero and Climate Ready future, highlighting co-benefits to be realised. 1 Kirklees Council. 2021. Our Council Plan 2021.23. [Online] [Last accessed 1st June 2022] Available from:…

… possible, Kirklees Council has identified and aligned targets with existing government strategies and plans at a local and regional level. Our Council Plan 2021 – 2023 Launched in 2021,’Our Council Plan’ sets out the Council’s Vision, Approach and Values to be a place which combines a strong sustainable economy with a great quality of life. Of the 9 shared outcomes detailed, the most relevant…


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