Including 11 closely related terms such as council buildings, council building, and buildings.
… of avoidable single use plastic and all single use products across Council owned buildings. Develop a timeline to work towards all council buildings being single use plastic free and all other sites (including schools and council events) Head of Capital Projects. Council; Young People; Schools; Community Short Funding to be secured Delivered through existing staff 2.19 Investigate…
… Officer time only – In 2022/23 budget Delivered through existing staff 1.2. Support officers to use carbon emission calculations from Council estate and operations to assist with the development of an energy monitoring and targeting programme Climate Response Officer Council Do It Now Officer time only – In 2022/23 budget Delivered through existing staff 1.3 (New) Formulate…
… via Subgroup Council; Businesses Short Fully funded/Core budget or successful award of grant funding Resourcing to be secured * Carbon emissions are categorised into three groups by the international accounting tool, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Scope 1 means direct emissions associated with combustion of fuels by a consumer for example gas used for heating. Scope 2 means indirect…
… 3.1.1 Prepare draft planning policy as part of the Regulation 19 Draft Plan for statutory public consultation and ongoing negotiation through the development management process and ensure ongoing review. Head of Planning Council; Developers; Residents Do It Now and Ongoing Officer time only – In 2022/23 budget Delivered through existing staff 3.1.2 Shape places to help secure…
… through existing staff 3.1.9 Finalise Hoo Development Framework - a strategic masterplan - setting out key principles for sustainable growth. Planning Manager Policy Council; Developers Short Fully funded/Core budget or successful award of grant funding Partially resourced/External consultant 3.1.10 Complete an Environmental Impact Assessment for the Housing Infrastructure…