Including 17 closely related terms such as council office, public buildings, and council offices.
… and encourage provision of space for food growing in new developments and vacant and under used sites - Review and improve recycling provision in Council offices, schools and public buildings and remove use of single- use plastics. Communicate and engage building users to utilise provision - Support circular economy initiatives diverting reusable items from disposal through recovery at Household…
… are: - Buildings owned and operated by the Council including offices, depots, schools, community centres, care homes, public conveniences and street lighting. This includes heating, electricity and water use within these facilities. - Fleet vehicles owned by the Council, - Business travel for work, - Employee commuting, - Procurement of goods and services. 6.2 The scope excludes: - Domestic properties…
… the rapid changes being delivered under the Action Plan, and to ensure it is reflective of the likely rapidly changing national and international context. 16 C l i m a t e C h a n g e S t r a t e g y Objective One Buildings 9.1 In 2018/19, Council owned buildings produced 10,747 tCO2e. These emissions came…
… on biodiversity. 9.2 To achieve our 60% emissions reduction in buildings by 2030 we will aim for 9% reduction each year to 2029/30. 9.3 Progress to date: - In 2009 the Council developed a carbon reduction strategy to reduce emissions from energy related carbon by 60% by 2021. This strategy saw the delivery of many effective and innovative projects across the county including: - Installation of low…
… such as transpired solar collectors and battery storage. - Delivery of an annual programme of energy efficiency measures, such as building fabric insulation, draught proofing, new boilers, new heating controls, lighting upgrades etc in the Council’s non domestic buildings since 2008. - Investment and delivery of energy efficiency improvements in Council housing through the Welsh Housing Quality Standard…