Including 7 closely related terms such as buildings, building, and council.
… are reported through two, separate carbon footprints: Its Corporate Carbon Footprint and its Supply Chain Carbon Footprint. 3.1.1. Corporate Carbon Footprint These are the emissions associated with the buildings, vehicles and street lighting that the council operates. It does not include any procured goods or commissioned services, other than for school transport; this is because robust data has been…
… from corporate property in 2012/13 = 8,014 tCO2e The buildings the council operates from emit 15% of its corporate carbon emissions. On a comparable basis, carbon emissions from buildings have reduced by 50% since 2012/13 to 4,011 tCO¬2e in 2017/18. The property maintenance programme has implemented energy efficiency measures, such as replacement boilers, insulation and LED lighting. This, along…
… 3.2. Schools’ Carbon Footprint 3.3. County Farm Dwellings’ Carbon Footprint 4. The Carbon Reduction Strategy 4.1. The Council’s Carbon Footprint 4.2. School Buildings’ Carbon Footprint 4.3. County Farm Dwellings’ Carbon…
…. Reducing School Buildings’ Emissions 10.1. Current Situation 10.2. The Council’s Approach 11. Reducing County Farm Dwellings’ Emissions 11.1. Current Situation 11.2. The Council’s Approach 12. Monitoring 13…
… a reduction of emissions from school buildings and county farm dwellings. It replaces the council’s previous Energy Strategy and Action Plan of 2014. Note that the term ‘carbon’ throughout this document refers to a basket of greenhouse gases, not just carbon dioxide, and is a term used for simplicity. 3. Carbon Emissions 3.1. The Council’s Carbon Footprint DCC’s carbon emissions…