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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 14 closely related terms such as council work, councils, and city council.

1 result

Cheltenham Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… and develop a heating and energy efficiency strategy to set out actions needed to actively reduce energy consumption and move away from the use of fossil fuels. Introduce behaviour change programmes to reduce energy consumption in council owned buildings. Support businesses and residents to similarly reduce their consumption. 2. Retrofit council-owned social housing, focusing first on the homes…

… the welfare of their communities. However, we know that the climate and nature crises haven’t gone away and the urgency to act is now more important than ever. The production of Cheltenham Borough Council’s ‘Climate Emergency Action Plan: Pathway to Net Zero’ (CEAP or ‘Pathway’) sets out our aim to achieve the 2030 target by acting holistically as a town, not just as a council working in isolation…

… facilitate them making a difference. 3. Introduce compulsory ‘Carbon Literacy Training’ to the Council and partners and commit to 100% of the Council’s officers, staff and elected members gaining a Carbon Literacy certification. 4. Develop case studies to share our experience in implementing climate initiatives, learnings and success stories, to help others learn from our actions, replicate…

… fellow districts across Gloucestershire will be an important part of our effort to reach shared carbon reduction targets. Financial contribution has therefore been made by CBC to employ a County-wide Climate Change Coordinator, a role hosted by Gloucester City Council and financed by public bodies and district Councils within Gloucestershire. This officer will help ensure that the districts…

… car use, particularly for shorter journeys. Further encourage the County Council to use such mechanisms to enable and encourage sustainable transport, particularly measures that allow people to use active and collective forms of transport to travel to work, such as segregated cycle ways and public transport. 17 D. Buildings & Energy Overview Heating for homes and workspaces currently…


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