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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 7 closely related terms such as building, council, and building.

1 result

Burnley Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… standard of EPC rating E, brought up to at least this standard. 5.30 The Council operates a landlord licensing scheme that covers over 3,400 rented properties. Private landlords who rent out a property covered by the scheme must qualify for a licence to operate. Through this programme the Council work in partnership with the private rented sector to improve property condition - which includes…

…; effects of Climate Change 4 - Greenhouse Gases 4 3. National and Local Policy 6 - Emissions Targets 6 - Renewable Energy Targets 6 - Petrol and Diesel Vehicles 6 - Building Regulations 6 - National Planning Policy 7 - Burnley’s Local Plan 7 - Planning Reform 8 4. The Scope of the Strategy 9 - Burnley Council’s Role 9 - Working with Lancashire County Council (LCC) 9 - Working…

… is wide ranging in its causes and effects and cannot be fully addressed in a single strategy. The Council’s overall approach to tackling this issue is to incorporate it into each department’s work programme and policies with each of the Council’s portfolio holders having a responsibility for addressing climate change through the Council’s work programmes. 1.4 To be effective this strategy needs…

… certain services and a borough council (Burnley Council) which delivers others. This Strategy will look at what Burnley Council can deliver through its own services and policies and cover key areas where it can work proactively with partners. 4.2 Many other Council plans and strategies already take climate change into account e.g. the Local Plan and this new Climate Change Strategy does…

… not seek to repeat or replace these documents but rather to further develop the Council’s work on climate change initiatives and set out any new or improved actions that the Council can put in place to address the climate emergency. Where necessary and appropriate, these other plans and strategies will be updated (through the relevant procedures) to reflect this Strategy. Working with Lancashire…


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