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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 15 closely related terms such as council buildings, council building, and council operations.

1 result

Dorset Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… account of progress or cover all the work which is happening across the Council but aims to give an overview of some of the areas of work underway and developing over time to deliver the Dorset Council Climate and Ecological Emergency Strategy & Action Plan. Page | 4 Making Dorset Council operations carbon neutral by 2040 In autumn 2021, we…

… reported that we had reduced the council carbon emissions by 17%, an excellent step towards out interim target of 40% reduction by 2025. Work continues to gather pace and become more embedded in our activities, helping to reduce our travel, energy use in buildings, street lighting and the embedded carbon in our highway’s construction projects. In the past year a major area of focus has been…

… to decarbonise the council’s own estate, responsible for around a third of the council’s whole emissions. A further update on our carbon footprint will be available in Autumn 2022. Key progress and next steps Building retro fit • Secured £19m from the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) fund to support a retrofit programme - heating control upgrades, solar PV installations, LED lighting…

… to explore funding opportunities to increase proportion of lamps upgraded to LED S tr e e t li g h ti n g Page | 6 Increase renewable energy installation on our buildings • Number and scale of renewable energy installations significantly increased on Dorset Council buildings through the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS). This includes: • 40 PV…

… Page | 7 Next Steps Identify and develop opportunities to reduce carbon emissions through transport covered by Dorset Travel activities. Improve infrastructure to support use of electric vehicle (EV) fleet and pool cars • Capital allocated to support expansion of the EV charging infrastructure at council sites • 2 sites upgraded with new and additional chargers to date, further…


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