Including 4 closely related terms such as council website, council, and council.
…. Agree terms of reference with the partners, set work programme/actions for the group and publish on the council website. Ongoing June 2021 Evidence, prioritise and agree measures to be taken to lower carbon emissions at the council. Consider carbon reduction options (identified by Laser) from own estate and operations at SSEAB. Agree future targets and publish details…
…. June 2021 TMBC ESTATE Reduce the environmental impact of the council’s activities, increasing the sustainability of all our operations. Continue to progress review of office accommodation with a view to rationalising the space occupied, to reduce energy usage and reduce carbon emissions. Publish findings. Ongoing June 2021 8 THEME…
… June 2021 1 Climate change action plan – 2021/22 THEME TARGET TIMESCALE Policy and Engagement Recognise climate change as a corporate commitment for the council Ensure climate change issues and biodiversity goals are considered in decision making, by including climate change impacts within…
… all reports to council members. Ongoing Work with partners to address climate change issues, lower carbon and adapt to the effects of climate change Work with Kent County Council and attend the Climate Change Network meetings to ensure collaboration and help to meet targets in the Kent Energy and Low Emissions Strategy. Launch the Tonbridge and Malling Climate Change Forum…
…. March 2022 June 2021 2 THEME TARGET TIMESCALE Sustainable Development Continue to pursue planning policies in the council’s emerging Local Plan that will facilitate the delivery of sustainable development through location, orientation, and design, and through the integration of measures such as Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), charging points…