Including 10 closely related terms such as city council, buildings, and building.
… fabric improvements, removing fossil fuels by connecting to district heating schemes where possible or switching to heat pumps and installing rooftop solar PV. 2. Using our land and assets to further our ambitions • Agree a Corporate Asset Management Plan and Strategic Land and Asset Plan and rationalise the Council’s estate to enable investment. This includes how best to dispose of buildings…
… PowerPoint Presentation A 10 Point Plan for climate action WORKING DRAFT Sheffield City Council 2021-2023 P age 19 A Sheffield for people and for the planet HOLDING SPACE FOR INTRODUCTION .Page 20 Forward This plan lays out a framework for how the Council proposes to work with the city to address the shared challenge…
…, because it is the right thing for the people and future of the city, but we are clear that Sheffield City Council is not in a position to finance everything that is needed, does not have the powers that are needed and does not have the responsibility to do everything that is needed within the city. We are clear that Government will need to play its part in enabling finance, empowering local…
… in the UK to build a district heating network in the 1980s, and has supplied heat to over 2,800 homes and 140 public and private buildings. Its expansion will be a key part of our decarbonisation. P age 24 Maximising the benefits for Sheffield The challenge is huge, but there are also benefits and opportunities that will come from the action we take as we transition to a net zero council…
…. • Community energy creates the potential for community wealth building. Our Council • The actions that we take to reduce our climate emissions such as having safe warm and beautiful homes, can support us to achieve our other strategic outcomes. • Investing in renewable energy and energy efficiency, particularly in combination with accessing government funding, can provide energy efficiency savings…