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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 4 closely related terms such as council, build, and council.

1 result

Sevenoaks District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… of decision making, it is also proposed Council asks Cabinet to establish a Cabinet Working Group to oversee the ongoing development and implementation of the Council’s transition to Net Zero 2030. 8. Set out in Appendix A are initial policies and actions for the Council to deliver, Stage 1, and on which the Cabinet Working Group can build, Stage 2, overseeing measures which are specific, measurable…

…, achievable, realistic and time bound. 9. Members will note that many of the policies proposed are fully aligned with the commitments contained in the Council Plan: placing wellbeing at the heart of everything we do; employing our values of excellence, value for money, and innovation; and, working together to improve the District’s environment, economy, housing, safety and health. 10.The Council

… APPENDIX Net Zero 2030 Executive Summary As the Leader of the Council I am setting a clear ambition for the Council to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 (‘Net Zero 2030’). This report and appendix sets out actions towards meeting this target. Recommendations It is recommended that: a) Council support and endorse…

… the ambition and actions set out in this report and appendix; and, b) Cabinet be asked to establish a Cabinet Working Group to oversee and lead the ongoing development and implementation of the Council’s transition to Net Zero 2030. Reason for Recommendation It is clear all organisations and individuals have a role to play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This work must be undertaken fully…

… and enthusiastically if the Council, its community and its partners are to achieve Net Zero. The Council has an enviable reputation as a forward-thinking authority which leads by example, implements policies which improve its District and embraces innovation. The aims and actions set out in this report apply that approach to the climate change challenge. Introduction & Background 1. International…


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