Including 10 closely related terms such as public buildings, building, and buildings.
… to: 1. Chart the SBC’s own journey to net-zero GHG by targeting our major emissions sources: fleet, and transport, energy consumption in public buildings and spaces and waste management. And ensuring that our services, buildings and supporting infrastructure, which includes our people, are climate ready. 2. Develop strong pathways and measures region-wide to reduce GHG emissions…
… volume and better management) Total 916.8 Note: Does not include water supply and treatment emissions. ‘Positive’ emissions from GHG sequestration in soils and woodland are not included. Table 3: Scottish Borders Council Estate GHG Direct and some indirect Emissions Source As of 2018 GHG Emissions CO2t E % Emission Trend 2014 – 2018 Transport Core Fleet (Diesel…
… stock, business premises and public buildings in the Scottish Borders are older (pre-1945) and dispersed making improvements at scale harder to achieve. Cold and energy inefficient homes are detrimental to health and in 2018 29% of Borders households were in fuel poverty, with 15% living in extreme fuel poverty. These figures are worse than the Scottish average and occur particularly amongst…
… 1 OUR CLIMATE CHANGE ROUTE MAP (CCRM) For The SCOTTISH BORDERS Scottish Borders Council June 2021 2 Contents CLIMATE CHANGE ROUTE MAP - INTRODUCTION Page Section I A starter for 10. Why is Net Zero necessary and what is it? II Path to 2045? Living with climate change in the Scottish Borders…
… Net Zero options unpacked Our baseline Moving forward 4.0 Climate Change Route Map – Main Themes Theme 1 - Resilience Theme 2 - Transport Use Theme 3 –Nature Based Solutions Theme 4 - Energy Theme 5 - Waste management 5.0 Climate Change Route Map - Theme Presentation Phasing, COVID Impacts, Key References Theme 1 - Building resilience…