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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 8 closely related terms such as buildings, building, and council.

1 result

North Ayrshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… delivered are: • Installing our first low carbon heat networks fuelled by biomass boilers during the redevelopment of two sheltered housing units in Dalry and Stevenston • Installing solar PV panels on roofs of 290 Council houses, saving tenants on average £188 per year • The incorporation of 10 electric vehicles and a number of low emission vehicles within the Council’s operational vehicle…

… Change Strategy 2021-23 3 | P a g e Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy 2021-23 INTRODUCTION The Council Plan 2019-2024 sets out North Ayrshire Council’s mission to work together to improve well-being, prosperity and equity in North Ayrshire and aims to achieve this through three strategic priorities: ‘Aspiring Communities’; ‘Inspiring Place’ and ‘A Council

… to 1.5°C. The Council declared a Climate Emergency on 11th June 2019 and consequently committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2030. In order to accomplish this, we must make a real shift in operational culture and social behaviours, lead the way in reducing emissions from buildings, transport and waste, whilst increasing the use of renewable technology and implementing methods…

…). We have already achieved a 45% reduction in emissions since 2005 across the Council’s estate, and a 41% reduction area wide. In order to accomplish this, a series of priorities were identified within five workstreams: Affordable Warmth; A Green Economy; Transport & Travel; Natural & Built Environment; and Sustainable Operations. Some examples of achievements and successes…

… sustainable. environment and the sustainable use and enjoyment of it and facilitate the transition to a low carbon economy”. new development. LO C A L C O N TE X T North Ayrshire Council Plan 2019-24 The commonality that links these international, national and regional policies is a desire to achieve a sustainable environment for future generations – a priority made…


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