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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 9 closely related terms such as new build council, building, and council homes.

1 result

London Borough of Newham

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… leaseholders, whose properties are affected by council retrofitting programmes. December 2020 8.7 Ensure that new build council homes target Passivhaus ‘classic’ standard, with minimum ‘Low Energy Building’ standard certification, as independently certified by the Passive House Institute, with the ability to reduce to the Passive House Institutes ‘Low Energy Building’ standard for constrained sites…

… to ensure services are integrating Newham Climate Now into their service planning and communications. All communications should be reviewed alongside supporting the principles of ‘reuse, reduce, recycle’ and looking for opportunities to support behavioural change. Ongoing 2.3 Develop the use of the council’s website for communicating Climate Emergency- related information to local people…

… and organisations. Ongoing 2.4 Arrange a Newham Climate Conference during 2020-21. March 2021 2.5 Publish carbon emissions data on the council’s website to track progress against carbon net zero commitments. Ongoing Publish annually air quality data on the council’s website. Provide daily air quality measurements on LB Newham website 2.6 Work with young people who engaged in the Climate Emergency Youth…

… on the climate emergency into the council’s Community Wealth Building initiative. Ref Actions Key Dates 5.1 To scope options and identify best practice resulting in a greener economy. October 2020 Ref Actions Key Dates 6.1 Adopt an inclusive economy as an approach to delivering an economic strategy for the borough January 2020 6.2 Lever in additional resources to promote green business efficiencies…

… Assembly in September 2019 and other young people engaging with Youth Empowerment’s Participation Team, we will identify three campaigns/ social actions to take forward. August 2020 2.7 Climate Change Youth Conference, involving Schools, Colleges etc. February 2021 4 3. Build a Green Economy: To promote the Royal Docks Enterprise Zone as an incubator for the green technology sector…


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