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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 10 closely related terms such as council activity, building, and buildings.

1 result

East Dunbartonshire Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… for us to build on our reputation as a forward-thinking, creative and joined-up Council. The Framework takes a cross-Council view, identifying key service delivery areas and setting out commitments that will mean benefits for the organisation, the communities and the planet as a whole. Partnership working is a fundamental part of the Council’s approach and will be vital to the success…

…, plans and strategies can contribute to the delivery of the Council’s main sustainability priorities, which are set out below. Detailed actions to support these priorities will be set out in the forthcoming Dynamic Action Plan, which is discussed later in this document. As a starting point, a series of basic principles, or ‘building blocks’, have been identified and form the Framework’s key…

… to buildings and transport. Efficient use of water resources will also be encouraged within Council-owned operations and in the wider community, to save carbon. Reduction of landfill and protection of the natural environment will also be recognised for their role in reducing carbon emissions. Maximising Resilience to the Impacts of Climate Change The delayed effect of carbon emissions on the climate…

… have produced substances which do not break down naturally when disposed of into land, air or the water system, and their resultant build-up disrupts ecosystems. The Council will seek to use materials that minimise environmental harm, including consideration of embodied energy and chemicals known to be harmful, especially in the construction and refurbishment of buildings. We will also address…

…. There are certain areas of Council activity that offer particular opportunities for sustainability; for example, Corporate Asset Management covers a range of Council functions in which sustainability is particularly important. For each area, it is intended that the Sustainability Policy Team will work with the relevant officers and teams to identify existing good practice, highlight gaps (with particular…


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