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Including 13 closely related terms such as council buildings, council building, and building.

1 result

East Hampshire District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…-2025 Page 13 of 16 Figure 2 Climate and Environment Objectives and Initiatives Green House Gas emissions Policy framework and leadership A: Council direct and indirect emissions A1 Buildings and Council operations A2 Council Partners and contractors B: Communities, Development, Economy B1 Community engagement B2 Guiding future development B3 Incentives…

… as a priority. Some significant operations are undertaken by partners on long-term contracts. The council can control emissions through procurement specification, and at contract review points. Examples include leisure centre operation, and refuse collection. A1: Priorities for tackling the emission from Council Estates and operations i Reduce emissions from council buildings and vehicles to zero…

… for the climate emergency. A changing climate has profound implications for the lives of everyone today, and for future generations as well. It directly influences how your Council plans to meet the needs of everyone in the district. But it is also everyone’s responsibility to make changes to address the crisis. We want to take an inclusive approach and maintain a dialogue on climate issues though…

… our Let’s Talk initiative. There will be benefits if we get this right: energy-efficient buildings, affordable renewable energy, sustainable transport, food security, improved local biodiversity, and opportunities to strengthen enterprises of all types in the transition to a low-carbon economy. This Strategy sets out East Hampshire District Council’s vision for the Climate…

… neutrality for council services, and across the whole district, is a marathon, not a sprint. This strategy commits us to embed protecting the climate into our policies and decision making, but also to be accountable and maintain honest and robust reporting of our progress. As East Hampshire’s District Council’s Climate Champion, I have pledged to build networks and foster relationships we need…


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