Including 16 closely related terms such as city council, council housing, and buildings.
…. The Council has also invested in renewable technologies, including the installation of Photo Voltaic Cells on key high-energy demand buildings such as Montrose Sports Centre14. Angus also has one of the highest recycling rates in Scotland and has ranked second out of 32 local authorities for household recycling rates15. In 2017, Angus signed an agreement with Dundee City Council for the treatment…
…, the Council has significant influence over a large percentage of Angus’ total carbon emissions. The Council also acts as a developer (responsible for the design of new council housing); customer (responsible for sustainable procurement practices); enabler (providing leadership, education, advice, land use policy, business support); and protector (of the community, landscape and biodiversity…
… This SECAP reflects these national ambitions, presenting a clear plan for a green recovery in Angus. Council Role In addition to strong national policy, tackling climate change requires committed action at a local level. Local authorities have a key role to play in helping to reduce carbon emissions and build resilience. As visible institutions, they have the opportunity to lead by example…
…:// 10 Urban Foresight Progress to date To date Angus has achieved significant reductions in carbon emissions from its estate through reduced energy usage, improvements to the council housing stock, replacing street lighting with LEDs and introducing electric vehicles into the council fleet…
… Report. Available here. 15 Angus Council Website. Available here. 16 Angus Council Public Bodies Climate Change Duties: Annual Report October 2019. Available here. 17 Angus Cycle Hub. Available here.…