Including 8 closely related terms such as councils, buildings, and building.
… of the council and from across Buckinghamshire, including emission reductions from buildings, waste, transportation and purchased goods and services. Our key actions to reduce carbon emissions are to: • plant over 500,000 trees in Buckinghamshire. • generate more renewable energy and improve energy efficiency. • reduce emissions from our vehicles. • improve infrastructure for active travel…
… Buckinghamshire Council Climate Change and Air Quality Strategy: Executive Summary 1 Buckinghamshire Council Climate Change and Air Quality Strategy: Executive Summary Last updated: 29 January 2021 Version: 1 Online version: HYPERPLINK 1 Why we need a Climate Change and Air Quality…
… (AQMAs). Further to the Council Motion that was passed, our Climate Change and Air Quality Strategy has been produced to address these significant environmental issues. Our Climate Change and Air Quality Strategy Aims and Objectives are to: • achieve net zero carbon emissions for Buckinghamshire as a whole by 2050 • achieve net zero carbon emissions for the council no later than 2050…
…, potentially as early as 2030 • to improve air quality across Buckinghamshire What the Council has already achieved The council has existed in its current form since April 2020. Work undertaken by 5 predecessor councils has reduced carbon emissions from 15,117 tonnes per year in 2009 to 8,983 in 2018. We have reduced our carbon emissions by over 6,000 tonnes a year between 2009 and 2018. We have…
… of our buildings through better insulation, lighting upgrades and improved heating systems Our carbon reduction targets We have set ourselves the goal of reducing our carbon emissions to net-zero no later than 2050. In addition, we are establishing milestone targets for 2030 and 2040. We have aligned these with the UK’s national baseline of 1990 in order to aid comparison of carbon reduction…