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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 18 closely related terms such as council building, council buildings, and city council.

1 result

Mansfield District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…. offices, leisure centres and street lights Business mileage by staff, council housing stock and third party occupied buildings. Supply chains, community and voluntary, waste management, staff commuter journeys Emissions from new developments, residents and businesses Direct control Direct control Indirect control Regulatory role enabling, engaging, partnership working…

… emissions focusing on the development of an active transport system. Buildings and infrastructure To enable and support the reduction in carbon emissions associated with the built environment including low carbon, low cost, healthy homes. Carbon neutral council Achieve a net zero carbon council that leads by example in promoting sustainable practices across our operations, estates and vehicles…

… (adaptation). The strategy outlines the levers of influence Mansfield District Council will use to have a much wider impact, including: Direct control/action over council operations and assets to become a carbon neutral council by 2040. Place shaping – using the council's policy and regulatory powers including Planning Policy, Licensing and Environmental Health regulations to require particular…

… District emissions We have also used the SCATTER tool (Setting City Area Targets and Trajectories for Emissions Reduction) to provide a more detailed breakdown of emissions by different sub-sectors in Mansfield district. SCATTER was developed by BEIS, Nottingham City Council, the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and the Tyndall Centre for Climate Research at the University of Manchester…

… Organisational emissions To ensure we meet our ambition to achieve a net zero and carbon resilient council by 2040, we need to understand our current levels of organisational emissions. Whilst some work has been undertaken to assess the recent level of emissions from some of our council buildings and identified potential actions needed to reduce emissions from them, we recognise that more needs…


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