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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 8 closely related terms such as buildings, building, and council.

1 result

Richmondshire District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… to residents about how to save energy and reduce carbon emissions. The Action Plan includes a number of projects to collect the information and advice that is needed to identify what the most cost effective actions are to reduce carbon emissions and how much money will be needed to deliver them. For example, comprehensive surveys are proposed for a range of council owned buildings, to ensure…

… on the findings of CRP18 to deliver priorities for carbon reduction. Beyond 2023 Facilities Management Officer Budget allocation to be considered as part of annual capital programme review and opportunities for external funding to be explored. 15 Reducing the fossil fuel energy use at other Council owned buildings and estate. Ref. Project Name Description Completion Date…

… it, the Council declared a climate emergency in July 2019, and highlighted the commitment to tackling climate change in its Council Plan 2019-2023. Through its climate emergency declaration, the Council has committed to tackling climate change, including achieving net zero carbon emissions from its own operations and activities by 2030. The emergency declaration included a range of specific and general…

… decisions, budget setting and local planning policies will ensure protection of the environment and achievement of net-zero carbon in the district by 2030 • The Council will influence and inspire partners across the district, county and region to contribute to achieving the Council’s environment and climate goals; • A Climate Change Partnership Group (CCPG) (involving Councillors, residents, young…

… tonnes CO2(e) per year for the last two years. Table 3.1: Main Sources of Carbon Emissions from the Council’s activities and operations Site or source of greenhouse gas emissions tonnes carbon dioxide (equivalent) tonnes carbon dioxide (equivalent) 2019/20 2020/21 Richmond Swimming Pool 378.5 330.8 HGV fleet vehicles 216 214.6 Non HGV fleet vehicles 130.5 122.9 RDC Street Lighting…


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