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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 14 closely related terms such as council building, council buildings, and council housing.

1 result

London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham

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… for residents interested in retrofitting their home Priorities for 2022-23: analysing the borough's energy requirements and opportunities for generating low-carbon heat and energy developing a retrofit strategy for council housing developing a retrofit strategy for the council's corporate buildings housing retrofit pilot projects including two office sites and council homes at the West Kensington…

… estate offering energy efficiency upgrades to fuel-poor private homeowners and tenants updating planning guidance to support development proposals to reach net zero a pilot project to build net zero homes within the council's development programme leading by example by reducing energy and gas used in H&F corporate buildings Travel What we’re doing now…

Building control Business Children and young people Community Council tax Councillors and democracy Crime Emergencies and safety…

….  Homes, buildings and energy What we’re doing now: all council buildings are now powered with 100 per cent renewable electricity redeveloping the new Civic Campus to be highly energy efficient and fitted with a ground source heat pump supporting residents to install solar energy at home with free pre-planning advice and schemes like Solar Together H&F developing planning guidance…

… Go to My Account Log in, register or view your account. Creating a "My Account" gives you quick and secure access to many of our services including council tax and benefits. Find out more about My Account Close menu Language…


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