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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 16 closely related terms such as council buildings, council building, and council office.

1 result

London Borough of Lewisham

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. Emissions from buildings and transport are just one part of this. As well as seeking to get to grips with bricks and mortar we aim to engage with staff and service planning to shape a change of culture and embed action on climate change into the way the Council operates. One of the most effective ways we can do this is by measuring and reporting our environmental performance and communicating to staff…

… in relation to Council buildings and schools. Delivering the kind of actions within the Radical Stretch and Systemic Change scenarios will fundamentally depend on central government providing the Council and others locally with the resources. Core Action 226 Lewisham Council 2.4 Lewisham homes 77 Other social housing 53 Schools 28 Other Public sector 2.6 Transport 42 Commercial 13…

… exposure to rising energy and carbon costs, but will require significant investment and need effort and ingenuity. How we approach this also needs to be in balance with, and support, other corporate priorities such as inclusivity, delivering affordable housing and improving public health. We have already made progress reducing our energy consumption by rationalising Council offices and through…

… their expected lifespan;  Finding ways to increase the level of investment in schools, which account for more than 50% of our emissions from buildings;  Improving buildings in the council’s commercial portfolio that do not meet existing or expected standards in relation to energy performance;  The cost of infrastructure and technology needed to provide full electrification of the council’s fleet…

… 10% of the assessment of tenders. Switched from automatically printing papers at Council meetings and upgrading IT for councillors and staff. 1.2 Achieving a carbon neutral corporate estate The Council has consolidated its operations into fewer buildings whilst improving the residual estate and generating revenue from the remainder. To date, this approach has generated a net saving…


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