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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 10 closely related terms such as council buildings, council building, and building.

1 result

Harlow Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… areas which it can measure, and affect the levels of change required to reduce carbon emissions, including buildings and transport. 24. The Council’s housing stock is considered within two year HECA reports which address the energy portion of the carbon footprint of the housing stock, and the associated issue of fuel poverty. So, as not to double count carbon, these emissions are reported…

…. The work in the next five years in relation to the Council’s property portfolio will focus on the continuation of the rollout of the LED lighting programme, developing the use of photovoltaic panels on Council buildings and the upgrades to heating boilers in Council buildings. The savings generated by upgrades to the Playhouse, Latton Bush and Mead Park buildings are included in this report…

… identifies what carbon emission reductions the Council will achieve over the 2021-26 period, and begins the critically important work required to prepare to meet Net Zero. It sets out the commitment to achieve Net Zero by 2040. To deliver this, the Council will take the following steps: - Fitting no fossil fuelled boilers into operational buildings after 2025/26 - Buying no new carbon emitting…

… The projects included within the previous two iterations of the Council’s Carbon Management Plan have sought to address carbon emissions from generation, building infrastructure and some building systems. This has included switching to zero carbon electricity tariffs for all operational properties and installing smart meters to better manage and monitor energy usage (reducing CO2e emissions by 374 tonnes…

… in 2019 and 509 tonnes in 2020), voltage optimisation within buildings to reduce wasted energy by ensuring power supplies are received at a lower and more optimised voltage (reducing CO2 emissions by 36 tonnes of CO2e per annum), and housing the services that Harlow Council provides more efficiently into fewer buildings (reducing CO2 emissions by 406 tonnes CO2e per annum since 2015/16…


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