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Search results for "council buildings"

Including the closely related terms council, build, and council.

1 result

Fife Council

Direct link to summary document (PDF)

… Climate Fife: Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan 2020-2030 a Fife Council Company I am pleased to present Climate Fife, Fife’s new Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan. Climate Fife has been created to help us to respond to what is arguably the greatest challenge of our time - the climate emergency. Over the last…

… decade Fife Council has worked proactively to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases which contribute to climate change, and Fife’s carbon footprint has fallen by over 55% (compared to 1990 emission levels). This activity has set a good foundation, but the latest climate science1 suggests that emissions need to be cut even deeper and faster than previously thought to avoid catastrophic impacts…

Council is aware of how challenging it will be to achieve the actions and targets within this plan; it would be an inadequate response to the climate emergency if they were not so. Whilst the future may be radically different to the present and perhaps very different to how Fifers envisage the future today, if we act decisively and proactively now our actions could help to tackle not just climate…

… scale. All aspects of day to day life will need to change from: • How we heat and power our homes; • Where and how we build; • Settlement patterns and how we move around; • Investment decisions and budget-setting; • The type of industry and businesses that will thrive; • Jobs and skills; • Consumption patterns and waste management; • What we eat; and • How we use land. We must reinvent the way we…

… underpins Climate Fife, presenting: • a vision for where Fife Council wants to be, and the themes and programmes to show where actions are needed and how this will be supported; • where Fife is now, with a Baseline Emission Inventory for Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and a Risk and Vulnerability Assessment to show the known and expected risks from unavoidable climate change; and • action plans…


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