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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 8 closely related terms such as direct council, building, and buildings.

1 result

Bridgend County Borough Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

Direct Council Buildings Buildings Proposed Bridgend District Heat Network Schemes Direct and Indirect Council Buildings and other public facilities Net Zero Carbon Developments new Council assets and planning proposals and procurement Indirect (Planning decisions) Council and Community Direct Council and Community Use Energy Caerau Local Heat Scheme Indirect Community Use…

… borough. 2. Helping people and communities to be more healthy and resilient - taking steps to reduce or prevent people from becoming vulnerable or dependent on the Council and its services. Supporting individuals and communities to build resilience, and enable them to develop solutions to have active, healthy and independent lives. 3. Smarter use of resources – ensure that all resources…

… (financial, physical, ecological, human and technological) are used as effectively and efficiently as possible and support the creation of resources throughout the community that can help to deliver the Council’s well-being objectives. 3.0 Background 3.1 Welsh Government (WG) declared a Climate Emergency in April 2019 and set out its priorities to address change for Wales to build resilience…

… direct renewable power opportunities, changing fleet and buying better overall. These aspects are in the control of the Council to influence and change. 3.3 Carbon emissions are measurable on what the Council own and buy for communities, for example: how energy is purchased and used, buildings heated and powered, transport contracts or fleet purchased. Data collection needs improving to fully…

… The Council developed its Smart Energy Plan in 2019 comprising of a series of projects to tackle decarbonising heat which Cabinet approved on 19th February 2019.This includes District Heat Networks in Bridgend and Caerau, (their specific progress is subject to separate reports to Cabinet,) smart metering and gaining electrification of heat. Whilst progressive, the Smart Energy Plan alone does…


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