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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 14 closely related terms such as city council, buildings, and building.

1 result

Peterborough City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… for a number of Council sites on Council Property Management Services) to and measures identified that could be owned undertake energy opportunity taken to reduce emissions. Shortly after buildings assessments for a number of its highest energy consuming sites including Sand Martin House, the Regional Pool and Clare Lodge. The aim of these assessments is to identify ways in which emissions can…

… ................................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Carbon Footprint Results 2019-20......................................................................................................................6 3 Decarbonisation Projects.............................................................................................................................11 3.1 Peterborough City Council’s Projects

… to a 100% renewable electricity contract across the Council’s estate, an increase to the planned level of dimming across the Council’s street lighting assets and implementation of a Carbon Impact Assessment process across the Council’s operations. Of the many actions in the main part of this document, the following forms a summary of the top 21 commitments we aim to achieve over the next 12 months…

… (Peterborough City Council, 2019a). In doing so the Council joined a global movement which worldwide has seen, to date, 1,863 jurisdictions in 33 countries declare a climate emergency, and within this 400 local authorities in the UK3. In making this declaration the Council committed to a wide range of comprehensive actions, including, in summary:  Make the Council's activities and the city's net-zero…

…. The biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK is transport, closely followed by stationary energy (emissions arising from buildings). This Action Plan examines the carbon footprint of Peterborough City Council as an organisation. The carbon footprint of the geographical area of Peterborough as a whole is examined thoroughly in a separate draft Citywide Carbon Management Action Plan…


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