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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 10 closely related terms such as city council, buildings, and building.

1 result

Aberdeen City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… be cornerstones of resilience. Adaptation example: Aberdeen City Council’s, Property Level Protection grant scheme helps private residents to purchase flood protection, such as flood guards. Eligible are those that have been flooded, or are in an area identified on the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) Flood Maps as potentially vulnerable to flooding. Action 1.1…

… of Aberdeen Adapts, following a competitive application process led by Aberdeen City Council and the University of Aberdeen. Their knowledge and expertise with other partnership projects including, Climate Ready Clyde and Edinburgh Adapts has enabled Aberdeen to draw on effective learning, actions and engagement processes. Consultation 70 responses were received to a public consultation on Aberdeen…

…. Acknowledgements Incorporating the views of city organisations and communities who participated in the development of Aberdeen Adapts: • Adaptation Scotland • Aberdeen Performing Arts • Aberdeen Biodiversity Centre • Aberdeen City Council • Aberdeenshire Council • Aberdeen Climate Action • Aberdeen City Heritage Trust • Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership • Ashley Road…

… Aberdeen Adapts Climate Adaptation Framework ABERDEEN ADAPTS Building resilience and adapting to the changing climate Aberdeen’s Climate Adaptation Framework Aberdeen Adapts Climate Adaptation Framework Contents Executive summary Introduction o…

… About Aberdeen Adapts o Support from Adaptation Scotland o Acknowledgements o Aligning with Powering Aberdeen o Strategic Environmental Assessment Why do we need Aberdeen Adapts? Climate challenges for Aberdeen Aberdeen Adapts approach Protecting buildings and infrastructure 1. Protected buildings and historic assets 2. Responsive transport 3. Managing…


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