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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 9 closely related terms such as council work, councils, and building.

1 result

Waverley Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… in magnitude of weather events and the council will now begin planning how to 8 incorporate resilience building to maintain future service provision. By future proofing our services the council will aim to avoid increasing common costs in relation to extreme weather events such as service downtime or damage to physical resources. Objectives The council as a consumer of resources…

… have seen a natural growth in population and social housing provision, we have increased the service provision in several areas and by 2015 we have managed to maintain our absolute carbon emissions at the same level as in 2008. Action Plan The Carbon Neutrality Action Plan 2020-2030 provides a statement of the councilsareas of focus and pathways to achieving a carbon neutral council

… the progress and identify new and emerging priorities. Results will be published on the council’s website. 11 Year on Year Targets Carbon reduction will be reviewed annually to monitor progress against the net zero carbon target by 2030. Climate Resilience Climate Change is likely to lead to an increase in extreme weather patterns. Winters are expected to be wetter with high…

… and fluvial flow rates, but also proved that emission heavy, hard engineering is not always necessary. Mitigating the risk of drought and wildfires means the council working with Public Health England (PHE), the NHS and Surrey Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS). PHE currently provides guidance on drought action and Waverley will be looking to them to lead on diagnosing the medical impacts…

… and engage in emergency planning and resilience building as per its statutory duty. By working with the Surrey Local Resilience Forum, Waverley will have access to all stakeholders working to build resilience to extreme weather events. 13 A more resilient Council: Waverley acknowledges that larger magnitude weather events will cause disruption at a higher level then seen before…


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