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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 13 closely related terms such as council office, council offices, and building.

1 result

South Kesteven District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… in Council-operated buildings 830.9 205.6 86.3 74.6 55.5 40.6 26.4 15.0 6.3 3.1 0.0100.0200.0300.0400.0500.0600.0700.0800.0900.0 HRA Assets Grantham Main Offices Grantham Arts Centre Grantham Depot Bourne Corn Exchange Stamford Arts Centre Bourne CAP Bus Station - Grantham Council Offices - Stamford EnvSK Offices Emissions [tCO2e] 1,344 tCO2e were emitted from the use of gas to heat…

…-party disposal and treatment of waste generated in Council-controlled operations • Supply and subsequent treatment of water consumed by the Council’s operations Overview of the World Resource Institutes GHG Protocol accounting methodology 3 Emissions included within the carbon footprint and targeted with projects: Executive summary Leased Buildings 41.5% Fleet 25.2% Gas 17.7% Electricity…

… Kesteven District Council’s footprint for the FY 2018/19 was calculated to be 7,600 tCO2e Four key emission categories make up 98.5% of the total footprint: 1. Fuel consumption in the Council’s fleet (1,918 tCO2e) 2. Gas consumption in buildings (1,344 tCO2e) 3. Electricity consumption in buildings (1,072 tCO2e) 4. Leased assets (leisure centres) (3,157 tCO2e) 7,600 tCO2e • The carbon reduction…

… that the council is able to appropriately quantify and take forward more confidentially the provisional opportunities identified within. Considering the current emission ‘hot spots’ (certain Council owned buildings, fleet and leisure centres), SKDC should prioritise and coordinate efforts towards these emissions sources in the first instance, and use the contents of this Carbon Reduction Action Plan for further…

…-Council fleet vehicles - Third-party disposal and treatment of waste generated in Council-controlled operations - Supply and subsequent treatment of water consumed by the Council’s operations - Energy, waste & water consumption from buildings leased to a 3rd party operator (i.e. leisure centres) - Upstream emissions from natural gas, vehicle fuel & electricity SKDC Footprint FY 18/19…


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