Including 7 closely related terms such as building, buildings, and council.
…. Introduction 1.1. The 2017-2020 Strategy and 2020-2023 update The refreshed Northamptonshire Climate Change Strategy for 2014-2017 sought to develop and build upon the success of previous strategies developed through the Northamptonshire Climate Change Officers Group (NCCOG) with this partnership approach providing a mechanism through which local and national climate change policy could be reviewed…
… the maximum allowable emissions from new buildings through changes to Part L of the Building Regulations. The installation of ‘smart meters’ to facilitate the monitoring of energy consumption. Salix finance for energy efficiency improvements by public sector organisations. Supporting the increasing use of biofuels for transport and electric vehicles. Action to reduce greenhouse gas…
… across the UK, offering support to local authorities, businesses and communities to respond effectively to the challenges posed by climate change. It was a network consisting of all of the climate change partnerships across the UK through which Northamptonshire County Council (NCC) and other partners in the county formerly contributed. Previously Climate UK was further split into regional…
… greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to climate change. It built upon the Nottingham Declaration on Climate Change that many local authorities, including all of the Northamptonshire Local Authorities, have signed up to. Daventry District Council has been a signatory to Climate Local since December 2012 with Corby Borough Council becoming a signatory in June 2014. Although no longer operating…
… and policies in Local Plans. For example, the North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy (adopted July 2016) identifies ‘Adaptability to future climate change’ as one of ten desired outcomes to be achieved across the area by 2031 and sets out ten linked policies devised to achieve this19. Since April 2015, Local Planning Authorities have been required to consult Northamptonshire County Council…