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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 6 closely related terms such as building, council, and building.

1 result

North Ayrshire Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

Council Plan priority outcome of ‘A Sustainable Environment’ by encouraging action to further reduce emissions in North Ayrshire. Key Priorities 4.6 The proposals contribute directly to the new Council Plan priority outcome of ‘A Sustainable Environment’ by encouraging action to further reduce emissions in North Ayrshire. Community Wealth Building 4.7 The 5 pillars of community…

… Ayrshire Council has been pro-active in reducing carbon emissions since establishing the Carbon Management Plan in 2005. Subsequently, the first Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy (ESCCS) was published in 2014 and was updated in 2017. 2.5 The ESCCS 2017-2020 builds on the success of the first strategy and sets an area wide target to reduce carbon emissions by 40…

… impact on climate change are given below: • The current carbon reduction figures are 39.9% reduction across the Council’s estate and 44.6% reduction North Ayrshire wide. The area wide emissions include those from industrial and commercial, domestic, and transport sectors. • Successfully securing approximately £10.5million of funding to provide external wall insulation to 2,231 homes through…

… the Home Energy Efficiency Programme: Area Based Scheme to reduce heat loss and subsequent heating requirements. • Installing our first low carbon heat networks fuelled by biomass boilers during the redevelopment of two sheltered housing units in Dalry and Stevenston. • Installing solar PV panels on roofs of 290 Council houses, saving tenants on average £188 per year. • Investing nearly £1m…

… in energy efficiency measures such as boiler replacement, LED lighting and enhanced controls to 14 non-domestic properties through the Non- Domestic Energy Efficiency framework. • The Council’s operational vehicle fleet now incorporates 10 electric vehicles and a number of low emission vehicles • Our sustainable business travel arrangements and employee car pool scheme have contributed…


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