Including 10 closely related terms such as city council, buildings, and building.
… carbon budget that is consistent with the UK’s contribution to the Paris Agreement, and establish devolved powers and funding required to help meet the budget. MCCA GMCA THEMATIC ACTIONS By 2022, unless stated, we will... Lead Partners Buildings B1 Support Manchester’s development sector to work with Manchester City Council to set clear policies for development that is consistent…
… technically and commercially viable low carbon, climate resilient developments and infrastructure, consistent with Manchester’s climate change objectives. MCC GMCA, developers, UK Green Building Council EA11 Work to influence the development of the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework so that it will support the delivery of Manchester’s climate change objectives (2017). MCCA UK Green Building…
… Council EA12 Establish Manchester as a beacon for sustainable design through industry awards and promotion of exemplar low carbon, climate resilient development and infrastructure projects. Developers MCC, GMCA, UK Green Building Council Joined-up public services EA13 Continue to develop the local evidence base and understanding of the benefits of joined-up action on health and climate…
… with the city’s climate change objectives, and build capacity to enable them to help deliver the policies. UK Green Building Council MCC, MCCA B2 Investigate options and feasibility for developing new and expanding existing Council initiatives to incentivise and enable domestic retrofit e.g. energy efficiency linked Council tax bandings, expansion of the HELP loan for energy efficiency improvements…
… and tenants to improve energy performance and climate resilience of existing buildings. GMCA UK Green Building Council Energy E1 Ensure Manchester participates fully in the programme of energy activities in the Greater Manchester Climate Change Strategy Implementation Plan. MCCA MCC, GMCA E2 Deliver the Civic Quarter Heat Network and develop the next phases of city centre heat network deployment…