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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 19 closely related terms such as council building, council buildings, and council office.

1 result

Falkirk Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… would be best focused on schools, sports centres and Council offices. Figure 5: Falkirk Council’s Operational Estate’s CO2 Emissions by Property Type 2011/12 to 2013/14 6 Ref. Figure 27, Appendix F 12% 0% 18% 10% 6% 6% 1% 45% 2% Carbon Footprint 2013/14 Associated Costs £17.6M Building gas (12%) Building

… increase in the size of the Council’s estate and operations. This pattern requires to be broken, with Elected Members and senior managers factoring in carbon and its associated costs when considering issues such as additional pre-school provision. This has already been done to an extent for the construction of the potential new headquarters building. Whilst significant changes to operations…

… The graph demonstrates that electricity and gas constitute 56% of the carbon footprint, with schools, leisure centres and Council offices accounting for the majority of this. Whilst waste is another major contributory factor at 20%, it should be noted that the continued move away from landfill to recycling has reduced the greenhouse gases generated by Falkirk Council area by around 60% over…

… components of the Council’s footprint. A simple comparison of Figures 3 and 4 illustrates that some items such as electricity and gas have a high carbon cost (56% of total CO2) but comprise only 33% of the total carbon associated cost. This includes the Carbon Reduction Commitment or CRC, which is effectively a tax on every tonne of CO2 generated by electricity and gas in buildings

… and as data available improves. PREVIOUS SCOPE - Previous plans have concentrated on energy from Falkirk Council buildings, staff travel, fleet and street lighting – generally considered items that it can directly control. They have included energy used both in the Council’s operational estate (where the bill is met by Falkirk Council) and also some non-operational where the bill…


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