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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 10 closely related terms such as building, buildings, and council website.

1 result

Angus Council

Direct link to meeting minutes (PDF)

… Requirements) Scotland) Order 2015; (ii) agrees the content of the report for submission to the Scottish Government and notes the progress that the Council has made in embedding climate change and sustainability into its policy and operations. (iii) Approves the annual production of a Public Bodies Duty Report summary report to be housed on the Angus Council website and used for wider…

… communication purposes. 2. ALIGNMENT TO THE ANGUS COUNCIL PLAN 2.1 This report contributes to the priorities in the Angus Council Plan, which are: Economy People Place and Our Council. 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 As members will be aware, Angus Council has duties under Section 44 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 and to contribute to reducing Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions…

…, covering the period 2015/16. 4. CURRENT POSITION 4.1 The report template covers the following mandatory topics: profile of reporting body; governance, management and strategy; emissions, targets and projects; adaptation; procurement; validation. Recommended topics relating to wider influence across the Council area are wider impact and influence on greenhouse gas emissions and other notable…

… reportable activity. The report is largely retrospective, scrutinising performance over the period 2019/20. A summary of seven key areas scrutinised in the report is provided below, outlining the main strengths and weaknesses of the Council’s work: Profile; An initial overview of the Council’s scale sets the context for the wider report. Governance, management and strategy; This section…

… management contract to determine how strategic support service can be provided. Emissions, targets and projects; Since the baseline year of 2010/11, Angus Council’s carbon emissions from electricity, gas, oil, LPG and biomass use in buildings has decreased by 44%. Since the previous report on period 2018/19, there was a further 5% reduction in carbon emissions from buildings. Street lighting…


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